Student Support

School social worker

  • Our school and HKFWS provide social workers stationing service at schools. The social worker, Miss Kwong, would provide professional suggestions and parenting works.

The SAHK ‘On-site preschool rehabilitation services’

  • School-based comprehensive support services: Cross-team–members include psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists and social workers. Providing services to students who have special learning needs, including assessment, treatments and queries, school also offers all-rounded supporting services to kindergarten.

  •  Outreaching psychologists service: student individual assignment, such as IQ Test, Vanderbilt and Memory Test, Learning Disability Assessment, Assessment for ADHD and emotional and behavioural assessment as well as providing consultation services for family and school.

  • Outreaching speech therapy service: providing individual or groups training sessions for improving students’ articulation, voice, speech fluency, receptive and expressive (oral and written) language abilities, communication skills and oral muscles control, etc.

  • Outreaching occupational therapy service: providing individual or groups training sessions for improving students’ attention and executive function, reading and writing abilities, flexibility of hands, visual and spatial perception capabilities, sensory integration, motor planning and coordination, emotional control and social behavior.


Non- Chinese Teachers


  • The major teaching materials of our school are adopted from the theme books which are published by non-textbook publishers. In order to enhance the familiarity of non-Chinese kids with the context of theme from big classes, extra-group activities is arranged for boosting the language ability of non-Chinese students. Those activities are arranged based on the big classes’ theme which focuses on some extracted life-oriented language elements (e.g. oral expression, usage of vocabularies,  reading skills, etc.) as the main teaching targets and aims of designed activities. Moreover, activities are also in line with the concept of a comprehensive curriculum, adding learning areas such as mathematics and arts for children.


  • There will be an Observation Evaluation Form for students individually based on the extra-group activities for increasing the caring of the needs of non-Chinese students and  leading parents to understand the children’s Chinese learning progress effectively.






Tel: 24137320