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報名表格Application Form|新生入學需知Application Guidance


St. Monica's Play School & Kindergarten (Tsuen Wan)
聖文嘉幼兒園 幼稚園 (荃灣)
新生入學申請須知   Information on Admission to New Student
Collection of application Form

–Download from school website

–Obtain from school in person (Unlimited applicant)

Return Of Application Forms

–親臨 / 郵遞至本幼稚園遞交已貼上相片之申請表格 (不設收取申請表限額)

–Submit the application form with a photo in person / by post (Unlimited applicant)

【Required documents(included birth certificate & 5 addressed envelopes with $2 stamp each)】

–Deadline:On or Before 31 Oct 2020

*For postal applications, date of the stamp chop will be used as the submission date


In Person Office Hour:


-Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.


-Saturday: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Application Fee

–港幣40元正(現金/支票) 於遞交申請表格時一併收取,無論申請成功與否,報名費概不發還

–HK$40(Cash / cheque) to be collected together with the application form.The application fee is non-returnable whether the application is successful or not

*支票抬頭: 「聖文嘉幼兒園」

*A crossed cheque made payable to :St. Monica’s Play School


*Please write down the Name of the children and contact number at the back of the cheque

Interview Arrangement

–An interview will be arranged to all aged children who born in or before Aug 2019(Entry of Sep 2021)

–N1、K1 interviews will be conducted on Dec 2020, the kindergarten will sent out the interview letter by post

-Group interview will be arranged

-All applicants should be attend the interview with one parent

–如需要傳譯 / 翻譯服務,請致電24137320與本幼稚園聯絡
-Please contact us at 24137320 if interpretation / translation service if required

Announcement of Admission Result

–本幼稚園將於面試後一個內,以郵遞方式通知家長N1 取錄結果。

–Parents of N1 applicants will receive letter with interview result within a month after the interview

–本幼稚園將於12月18日前以郵遞方式通知家長K1 取錄結果。
–Parents of K1 applicants will receive letter with interview result before 18 Dec

其他資訊:Other Information

–本園將於每年年底(12月)發信予1-8月出生足齡入讀N1之學生 或 K1插班生到校面試
-A letter will be sent to applicants of aged N1(born between Jan and Aug)and aged K1 by mail informing the details of interview in late Dec

–Please note that K1 aged applicants would be added to our waitlist due to the places would be given to the students who are studying in N1 now. Therefore,K1 applicants would be arranged to the afternoon class,first priority would be given to family that has special needs (Single parents / working parents)

–Applicants of N1(born between Sep and Dec)would be added to our waitlist. If places are available during the academic year, parents will be contacted for an interview through telephone


Registration of Arrangements

–Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 7-9 January 2021 (“Centralized Registration Dates”) by submitting the original of the “2021/2022 RC” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.

– 家長請留意,如未能在指定的註冊日期提交2021/2022有效的註冊文件,本幼稚園或未能為獲取錄兒童完成手續,因此家長務必於指定日期內向教育局申請相關註冊證。
–Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “2021/2022 RC” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application for the Registration Certificate to EDB within the specified period.

–2021/2022 學年的全日班註冊費$1,570,半日班註冊費$970,逾期未能辦理,作放棄學位論 。家長若於註冊後為子女退學,須書面通知本園,並取回「 2021/2022 入學註冊證」後,本園不會保留學位,已繳付註冊費用,不獲退回。
–The registration fee for 2021/2022 K.1 place is HK$1,570 (whole day class) / HK $970 (Half day class).  Should parents decide to change school after  registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing.  The kindergarten will return the  '2021/2022 RC" but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining  the "2020/2021 RC " the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.


收集個人資料聲明:Personal Information Collection Statement

Personal information is collected for admission to school only. Parents should provide accurate information of applicants, any miser presentation will disqualify the application.

Applications for access to and correction of personal date should be made by writing statement.

Any information collected from us will not br sold or rented to others.

Personal date will be kept confidential and handled by our staff members under the Personal Date (Privacy) Ordinance.

All personal date of unsuccessful applicants will be discarded within a year.


教育局「2021/2022 K1收生安排」

Education Bureau 2021-2022 K1 Admission Arrangement


English :www.edb.gov.hk/en/edu-system/preprimary-kindergarten/kindergarten-k1-admission-arrangements/index.html/